I couldn’t find anyone else having this strange, really specific issue that really feels like there’s no reason for it to be happening. In one scene, I have an arcade mode where the camera is scaled down and an image fills the rest of the scene using a separate camera:
Then, when I unload that scene and move to a different scene, the text elements get masked over and made invisible in the section where the small camera was in the other scene. It affects some things like text and shaders (like the inversion effect used below), but not things like images. It also seems to only work with some fonts and not others.
Pause screen when the arcade mode wasn’t loaded in the same session (intended):
Added invert effect:
After loading arcade mode and coming back:
Added invert effect:
There’s only one object in DoNotDestroyOnLoad and it’s a very small object with nothing that should affect this issue (Steam Manager).
It also only works on some fonts. For instance, I’m using poppkorn in the screenshots, but when I change it to the ones that unity provides, it appears to work fine. I could replace the font everywhere as a last resort, but I’m not too happy with that solution stylistically and isn’t a complete solution as the invert effect is used in a few of the games areas.
I would be grateful for any kind of help.