Camera is not showing anything

Heyo, I have really big problem with camera, I’m literally in depression after few hours of trying to make it work, i tried hopefully everything. Please help.

Your far clipping plane is set to 500, and your camera is at position -504. Is the background object too far away to render?

Toggle the 2D scene mode off to see the camera’s frustum relative to your objects in Z space.

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If its a 2D game the camera should be orthographic and not perspective as well, unless you want 2.5D.

Hello, i already tried it in 3D mode, and what do you mean by far CP is 500 and position is -504 how to set it to right values?

5336460--538236--bez názvu.jpg

Already changed to orthographic. And yes it is 2D

If you look at the camera transform the z position is now -999, the default is -10. Everything looks pretty big, is the background sprite pixels per unit 1?

I have whole background in Canvas and i want to set the camera to see middle of my Canvas

Reset the camera to 0, 0, 0. You don’t need a z postiion for a canvas. You don’t need to modify the clipping values either. Look in my game:


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Fine, i changed the values to 0, but i need to see the canvas, because i want to apply drag to move camera system, without it, it seems doesn’t work.

You should see it in play mode and be able to interact with it.

No i don’t see it in play mode.
// It’s still blue

Is your canvas set to 0, 0, 0 as well?

Yes, i can show it to you. If you have discord, i will send you code for anydesk if you want to see it and try it.

Delete your camera, add a new one, orthographic like in my image, set to 0, 0, 0, do not modify any of the other values. Try play mode. I don’t use Discord.

Done, and still nothing

What are the camera bounds for? Try play mode after disabling it?

Camera bounds are for the drag to move camera

Wait, remove your image from the canvas; keep the canvas for what you’ll have to do with it.

Create an empty game object set at 0, 0, 0, add a sprite renderer to it and add the image to the sprite renderer. Set the desired scale for the game object and sizes in the sprite renderer. Then move the camera on the z axis until the image is visible to your liking. :slight_smile:

In your last screenshot, your camera’s culling mask is set to “Nothing”, so it will render nothing. Set that to “Everything”.

Change the Clipping Planes “Near” value to 0.


I dont know if this will help you, but i have same problem. I deleted main camera from hierarchy and then add new camera. Drag position on my player and i realised that camera Z axes is on -6 if I changed that camera if of and i cannt see anything. So in sort add new camera and set Z axes on -6