I’m using the latest ARFoundation and ARKit plugins, doing the standard setup in documentation
TrackedPoseDriver does not seem to be working at all, it’s using the standard new input system stuff, but I can’t figure out why in the world it’s not actually tracking in AR.
The reason I can tell it’s not tracking the camera, is that I have the world mesh rendered in scene, and I can see it filling up as I move the camera around, but the mesh itself is not moving tracked with the world, it’s just static in front of the camera.
Am I doing something wrong? or is this a bug?
I’m sneakily suspicious that it might be due to the new input system for some reason. But I’m not sure. Is there anything else I can check that isn’t in the standard documentation?
Which phone, which unity version, is enable xr on startup enabled, is the arkit checkbox checked for ios, how did you set up the scene, which render pipeline
scene is the standard AR Session and XR Origin (created using the Create menu)
I have a sneaking suspicion the camera transform is not updating due to the new input system not being correctly set up for some reason, I did change a setting to get legacy input code working even though I have the new input system plugin installed. Specifically I have “Active Input Handling” in player settings set to “Both”
UPDATE: I have changed the active input handling to “Input System Package (New)” and it works! So having this setting set to “both” just completely breaks tracked pose driver! Wtf! I even tried both variations of the tracked pose driver (there is one for the old input system and one for the new) and neither worked when it was set to “both”
UPDATE: tried to reproduce this bug in an empty project for a bug report, but was unable to reproduce it, so the bug only happens in my bigger project, wtf