Camera is stretching/glitching particle systems!?

Iv got a lot of cartoony particle systems, (blood, magic, special effects etc). For some reason whenever the camera (In-game) has gotton them in its (FOV) and then panned away from the particle systems they stretch and glitch out.

I’m not quite sure whats wrong but here is two links to gifs that will show you whats happening.

Not sure how to fix this. Iv looked and google into this but couldn’t find anything similar. This isn’t just happening with my blood particles but many other forms of toon particles/particle systems in general.

The particles aren’t being stretched. The particles are appearing that way because they are too close to the camera. You can solve this problem by adjusting the near clipping plane of your camera so that the praticles are culled before they have a chance to get too close.

If that’s too much of an issue then i’d recommend using an orthographic camera to render your particles.