Camera Jittering/Bleeding

Hey guys! I have been having the weirdest issue with my camera and it is honestly stumping me. I have done everything I know.

Here is a video of it in action

Pay real close attention to the walls. You can see it “bleed”???

Not sure what is causing this. It is a regular camera with just a mouse look script. Nothing special

public class MouseLook : MonoBehaviour
    Vector2 rotation =;
    public float speed = 3;

    void Update()
        rotation.y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
        rotation.x += -Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
        transform.eulerAngles = (Vector2)rotation * speed;

No clue what’s going on. The weirdest thing is this is a multiplayer game. It would never happen on the host, just clients. I thought it was an issue with a client, but what I have in the video is my a super basic scene with a few GameObjects. NOTHING NETWORK RELATED and it is still happening

Update: Took the camera script into a fresh HDRP project and it is working normally. Thinking something with my HDRP settings?

Fixed it! Not sure what happened, but upgrading to Unity 6 screwed up my HDRP settings. Copying them over from a fresh project fixed the issue.