Camera jittering/shaking on Oculus Quest 2

I was playing with OpenXR only to find out that, while it works well using Link, the Android build never starts. So I changed back to regular Oculus:

The build works but the camera (on an XR Rig) now shakes/jitters almost imperceptibly but enough to give you nausea in less than a minute, the same does not happen while testing the build via Link. Does anyone know what might be causing the jitter?


Building to Quest is not supported in OpenXR at the current time. (Annoying, I know, but it should hopefully be fixed by the 202 LTS rolls around)

As for your camera issues on the XR rig, are you using a device or action based rig?

Check your main camera’s Tracked Pose Driver. what’s it’s update mode set to?

I removed OpenXR and now it’s working fine, I also fixed the shake, in my case it was due to a framerate drop caused by a group of moving objects. I don’t know why they affected performances so much and now I’m looking into that, the shaking thankfully is gone after removing that part.

Thank you Muskie for pointing that Quest is not supported on OpenXR!