Hey guys,
I have a problem to limit my camera. I gave my player a gravity around a “little” world, so a small sphere. Now I want to limit the camera that the camera don’t go through the small sphere. But when I just use the Mouse orbit script in the unity asset there is the problem that the camara is based on the global world coordinate system. I want, that the camera curve around the player depending on the point of the sphere he is standing. How can I do that?
I hope my english is good enough to convey my problem.
Here is a picture in hope it helps:
Thank you for any help and please excuse my english,
I’ve posted a few different approaches to this problem in the past. Here is a recipe for one of them:
- Create an empty game object as the initial position of the player with a matching rotation.
- Make that empty a chile of the player
- Position the camera the correct distance and the correct angle to look at the player
- Make the camera a child of the empty game object
- Use any ode that does a rotation on the local axis of the empty game obect.
That is, the script goes on the empty game object. You can use Transform.Rotate() to do the rotation since it uses local axes. Alternately you can use Quaternion.AngleAxis() with transform.up of the empty game object to do the rotaiton.