Hello everyone! Before I ask my question let me explain how my camera is supposed to work. The Camera has a parent object I call a “Camera Anchor”. This object is meant to hold the camera and manage all movement. Then there are 2 characters of which I am working to get the camera to hover over and smoothly move between. The characters also have an object that they parent called “Camera Points”, the transforms of these objects are used as reference as to where the Camera Anchor must move.
While i have the smooth movement between finished, My current issue is that the Camera Anchor must first rotate to face the Camera Point its currently targeting, and in turn is rotating the child Camera as well. I need to some how separate the rotations of the Camera and its parent Camera Anchor but not the positions. You don’t need to help me script this or anything I’m simply asking for maybe some function I can use in C# and or some kind of logic I can base a solution off of.