Hello Unity3D i have a problem with making the camera viewing the characters face when i click a key.The problem is that i want my main camera to change the position when i click the key so that it can view my player animation and make it that the camera looks at it in the face for like 5-10seconds.How can i make it that the camera can go from looking from my character back and make it look at the characters face for more than 5 - 10seconds and make it return to the characters back or third persons view or whatever you guys call it.
Heres a script of what i got so far
javascript By the way
#pragma strict
var sceneCam : GameObject;
sceneCam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
function Update()
Vector3 cameraPosition = new Vector3(-40.97911, 17.3346, 15.41365);
sceneCam.transform.position = Vector3(Transform.position, cameraPosition, strength);