Camera "Main Camera" does not use a AR Pose Driver or a Tracked Pose Driver

I keep getting a warning and its suggests is not true.

Camera “Main Camera” does not use a AR Pose Driver or a Tracked Pose Driver, so its transform will not be updated by an XR device. In order for this to be updated, please add either an AR Pose Driver or a Tracked Pose Driver.

But as you can see from the attached screen shot, I do have a Tracked Pose Driver on my Main Camera.

How to get rid of this warning?

Unity 2021.3.13f1 and AR Foundation 4.2.6

So Unity did a very confusing thing here that might be the issue. We have two classes named Tracked Pose Driver.

Can you check that you are using UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.TrackedPoseDriver and not UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.TrackedPoseDriver? You’ll want to use the version from the InputSystem, which was designed as a replacement for the previous script in the XR Legacy Input Helpers package.

So I’m using unity2020.3.42f1 and MRTK3, and i’m getting the same error however I do have the input system version (screenshots below).


Ah I see. I’m surprised that this is the only issue you are seeing? I’m curious why you are using both AR Foundation and MRTK in your project? I would recommend choosing one or the other but not both. I thought they were incompatible.

Curious, I hadn’t noticed that but upon checking, it appears to be a dependency of MRTK components, at least MRTK3.

I had a look at MRTk3 issues relating to this and indeed found an open issue on their github: [MRTK3] world locked rendering or tracking broken on app resume · Issue #11109 · microsoft/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity · GitHub

Adding the ‘Tracked Pose Driver’ alongside the input system variant did appear to fix the issue, which is good.

The github issue does note however that they thought this was fixed by an update to InputSystem.

However, my issue is resolved which is good for me for now.
