Camera no longer responds after adding blender object

I am using Unity Version 2018.3.8f1 Personal, this is my first Unity project, but I seem to have run into an issue regarding the camera movement. My scripts are running, however, I have added functions that move the camera using the w, a, s, and d keys and I have verified that they run by having Debug.log statements throwing out console statements whenever I press any of these keys. When I press the play button, the project runs smoothly and the camera pans as expected.

However, as the title suggests, as soon as I add a blender object, the camera freezes on the blender object I just added. The console statements operate just fine whenever I press any of the w, a, s, or d keys, but the camera portion of the code no longer wants to respond.

the capsule on the left is a movable unit, and the sphere and the rock are example obstacles. Its when the purple rock gets added when the camera stops responding. Let me know what you think! I am open to any ideas, and will provide more info on request.

Have you possibly added an extra camera(s) when importing the purple rock which is causing a conflict?

thanks for your input! now that you mention it, I have a main Camera as a child of Player, and another camera that subsequently is a child of miningNode when I add it. when I try to delete it, I an greeted by an error:

“Children of a Prefab instance cannot be deleted or moved, and components cannot be reordered. You can unpack the Prefab instance to remove its Prefab connection.”

I am still a bit new to the Unity engine, what should I do to remove the extra camera added to the MiningNode if it seems to be the problem?