Camera not retaining position

Lately I’ve been running into an intermittent issue where I position my Cinemachine camera and add it to the timeline and although initially everything looks fine, when I scrub away and back to the clip it seems to go back to its original camera position ignoring what I just set.

Any ideas on what I might doing wrong? I didn’t have this issue at the start so its possibly something I’m doing wrong not configuring correctly.

Are you editing the values while they are colored blue in the inspector? If so, then the values won’t be kept - the blue indicates the values are being ‘previewed’ because they can be changed by timeline. In that case, turn off timeline preview before editing the values.

Thanks Sean, I’m not sure if that was the case or not but I’ve not been able to recreate this at the moment but I’ll keep an eye out for it.

I have noticed an issue which could be related where I try to move a virtual camera and it seems to just move an empty gizmo and the transform updates but the camera does not move and the game view does not update?

For virtual cameras, that might be because they may be updating their transform independently based on their settings, particularly if they are currently used in a timeline preview.