Camera: Orthographic HDR

I am currently working with some image effects and noticed that, if the cameras projection is being changed from prespective to orthographic, the render target source passed to an image effect changes from ARGBHalf to ARGB32 - regardless of the HDR option.

Is this behaviour intentional or a bug?

Editor version is Unity 5.0.0 f2.

Found the answer to my question this morning: I had turned on multisampling which is incompatible with HDR render textures.
However, it would be nice to know why HDR still seems to work when turning on multisampling and perspective projection - but not orthographic.

Yeah we still did not implement MSAA with HDR (but that’s not 5.0 specific; it was always like that). Someday!

I’m sorry - I thought it could be a bug because of the described behaviour.
Feel free to move the thread to a specific category :slight_smile: