Hello, I’m really not sure what do do here, this is such a strange bug and I’ve never encountered it before
I have a simple cube, I want the camera to follow that cube through an empty object parented to, and locked to the origin of, that cube.
In other words, an empty is parented to the cube, and the camera is parented to the empty.
When I add the empty and parent it to cube, everything works fine, but when I parent the camera to the empty, the EMPTY moves to the position of the camera, and is locked to it, as if it was parented to the camera.
I am so confused in part because I’ve done this exact thing before many times and it has never given me issues.
This is a new project, there is little scripting and none on either the camera or the empty. Further this behavior is present in the editor when the game is not running.
Image attached: