So as you can see at the right side of the picture, in-game I see the object I want to see. But as you can see on the left, the camera preview is completely different and for some reason completely empty aswell.
So I have two problems:
In your camera settings what are the “clear flags” or Environment → Background Type settings? (which one you have depends on which rendering pipeline you’re using)
So the big white and green objects - I’m assuming those are UI objects right? If you are using Screen Space overlay, they show as a giant floating thing in space, but they will always be overlaid on your screen regardless of where any cameras are in the scene. As for the big blue cloud image, what is that? Is that a skybox or just a big floating quad or something?
Your ui elements (white and green parts) are only visible in the camera preview window when the canvas render mode is “World Space”. Your other ui elements are probably not in the view space of your camera (see canvas settings of your ui elements, clipping planes of camera, size of camera, culling mask of camera or position of your camera).
Simply check the canvas settings that belongs to the green ui element against the canvas that belongs to the background picture ui element, i assume these are different or these elements have different layers assigned.
Sorry for posting it here in Scripting :/, didn’t think of that.
The other question is actually regarding the lighting, not the camera view being empty. I did use the same picture, but the picture shows two problems asked in two separate questions.
What may confuse you is that I actually asked those two questions in the same thread both at once, but then removed one of the questions from threre and made a separate thread about it so that if the questions got answered it would be easier to find by people who search for answers in the future.
I assume this is not your problem, your problem is probably that you have more than 1 canvas object in your scene.
The canvas determines the render mode not the camera (see Canvas → Render Mode):
If you set your canvas to “Screen Space Overlay” and place all your ui elements below this canvas you should see all your ui elements in your game view (but not in camera preview window but this is as intended), if all ui elements are in the same layer and are correct placed on the canvas.