It worked fine for about a week but suddenly today the camera preview is fine but I can’t switch to game view, it’s only blue. I only have one camera and have changed first person controller and main camera several times. Any suggestions? Thanks!
You may also want to check your camera depth. Ensure it’s not less than one. (For anyone else who might have this problem)
solved i have the same problem and now i solved it this problem is because you have an other extra camera in your sean please check all your objects and remove that camera it will be working fine again
Are you sure your camera’s Clipping Planes are set to the correct value? I assume the blue is your Clear Flags.
If this isn’t the issue, check to see the physical position of the camera during game play to identify if the camera has moved during game play… Perhaps this could be the issue?
As you stated, you have made many changes to the camera and controller scripts. Maybe the Camera is moving incorrectly, and needs to be fixed up via the script ?
In my case,… After I checked the Clear Flags’s other option, the Game view working well.
Hello i have same problem.
I’m working with unity 2018.1.5f1 version with VR game.
I use / imported the GVR version 1.130.1.
I have problem with main camera where it will always back to same position of 0, 0, 0.08 every time i play the game even though i have many times change the transform position.
- I put GvrReticlePointer inside the main camera (Player).
My questions are:
- Is there any relation to the GvrReticlePointer. but when i put it outside the main camera the problem still exist?
- how to fix it, since i had followed all the advice above but the problem still exist?
Many thanks
If you’re using SpriteShape make sure you’ve created a SpriteShapeProfile and you’ve assigned the SpriteShapeController’s SpriteShape property to that!
My particle system was too small to see… took me ages to figure it out…
I was using a prefab.
In the prefab editor it looked fine.
In game, it was scaled down in size for some reason.
For me it was fixed by setting “Projection” to “Perspective”, it somehow reset to “Orthographic” when I assigned the main camera as a child object to my controller GameObjects.
I had a similar issue when working on a 2D game within a 3D environment. I Resolved it by changing the cameras “Projection” to “Orthographic” from “perspective”.
Hello Everyone, In a Steam VR project, I had a helmet as a child to VR CameraEye.
I had set depths of cameras in scene such that, my hmd view is rendered on the PC screen.
I had set the near clipping plane to the least possible value : 0.01
When I put on the headset, the helmet is being rendered as expected in the hmd.
But when I check the PC screen, only part of a helmet is being rendered that too with some offset.
I was expecting the same hmd view to be shown in game tab as well. But it isn’t working as expected
One more thing in my observation, in the scene tab, when I click on VR CameraEye, the small tab of camera preview is again showing me the desired display
Attached are the screenshots in SceneTab and GameTab
For the VR CameraEye, when I set the TargetEye as None(MainDisplay), the display is working as expected. But for VR to work, I had to set it to Both. When I set it, it is rendering as shown in the screenshots.
Am I missing anything here?