Camera preview renders but game view doesn't onclick

It all works except it doesn’t get triggered in Run mode.

My script

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ChangeSkybox : MonoBehaviour
    public Material Laon;
    public Material skybox_pano;
    public Material Bedna;    
    public void ChangeSkybox1()
        Camera.main.GetComponent<Skybox> ().material = skybox_pano;
    public void ChangeSkybox2()
        Camera.main.GetComponent<Skybox>().material = Laon;
    public void ChangeSkybox3()
        Camera.main.GetComponent<Skybox>().material = Bedna;

Here you can see what I mean Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I have the functions attached to the button through the onclick

I figured this out. I used the older version of GoogleVR SDK. I updated it to the newer and that fixed the problem. I wish Unity had some update detection and notify me when these packages are old.