I am trying to make a 2d game just for fun, I am having some problems with the camera. When I rotate the player the camera rotate too because is child of player, but I want to rotate just the player.
Can someone help me with this?
I would recommend you make the camera a seperate object and then put a script on it so it follows the player. E.g:
private var heightOffSet : Vector3 = Vector3(0,400,0); //height offset from player for camera
private var player : GameObject; //the main player game object
function Start ()
player = GameObject.Find("Player"); //find game object player and assign
function Update ()
//follow player position
transform.position = player.transform.position + heightOffSet; //have the camera follow the player based on current height offset
you’ll need to play with vector height offset to set it to your needs… angle the camera how you like it and then use this to set the distance - you’ll need to use position x y z depending if your game is top down or side view…etc…
hope that helps,