Camera refusing to move in-game

I’ve tried everything i know how to do to fix this but to no avail. My camera moves perfectly how i want to in the scene but once i press “play”, nothing. Clicking doesn’t work, movement doesn’t work, it’s just zoomed into a tree. I decided to keep going and come back around to it but I should’ve figured it out first. I’ve tried debugging but its not giving me relevant information to my issue. I followed this tutorial:

using System.Collections;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using UnityEngine;
  using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
  using Unity.VisualScripting;
  using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView;
  using Unity.VisualScripting.Dependencies.Sqlite;

  public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
      [SerializeField] private Camera _camera = null;
      [SerializeField] private float _moveSpeed = 50;
      [SerializeField] private float _moveSmooth = 5;

      [SerializeField] private float _zoomSpeed = 5f;
      [SerializeField] private float _zoomSmooth = 5;

      private Controls _inputs = null;

      private bool _zooming = false;
      private bool _moving = false;
      private Vector3 _center =;
      private float _right = 10;
      private float _left = 10;
      private float _up = 10;
      private float _down = 10;
      private float _angle = 45;
      private float _zoom = 5;
      private float _zoomMax = 10;
      private float _zoomMin = 1;
      private Vector2 _zoomPositionOnScreen =;
      private Vector3 _zoomPositionInWorld =;
      private float _zoomBaseValue = 0;
      private float _zoomBaseDistance = 0;

      private Transform _root = null;
      private Transform _pivot = null;
      private Transform _target = null;

      private void Awake()
          _inputs = new Controls();
          _root = new GameObject("CameraHelper").transform;
          _pivot = new GameObject("CameraPivot").transform;
          _target = new GameObject("CameraTarget").transform;
          _camera.orthographic = true;
          _camera.nearClipPlane = 0;

      private void Start()
          Initialize(, 40, 40, 40, 40, 45, 10, 5, 20);

      public void Initialize(Vector3 center, float right, float left, float up, float down, float angle, float zoom, float zoomMin, float zoomMax)
          _center = center;
          _right = right;
          _left = left;
          _up = up;
          _down = down;
          _angle = angle;
          _zoom = zoom;
          _zoomMin = zoomMin;
          _zoomMax = zoomMax;

          _camera.orthographicSize = _zoom;

          _zooming = false;
          _moving = false;

          _root.position = center;
          _root.localEulerAngles =;

          _pivot.localPosition =;
          _pivot.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(_angle, 0, 0);

          _target.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -100);
          _target.localEulerAngles =;

      private void OnEnable()
          _inputs.Main.Move.started += _ => MoveStarted();
          _inputs.Main.Move.canceled += _ => MoveCanceled();
          _inputs.Main.TouchZoom.started += _ => ZoomStarted();
          _inputs.Main.TouchZoom.canceled += _ => ZoomCanceled();

      private void OnDisable()
          _inputs.Main.Move.started -= _ => MoveStarted();
          _inputs.Main.Move.canceled -= _ => MoveCanceled();
          _inputs.Main.TouchZoom.started -= _ => ZoomStarted();
          _inputs.Main.TouchZoom.canceled -= _ => ZoomCanceled();

      private void MoveStarted()
          if (UI_Main.instance.isActive)
              _moving = true;

      private void MoveCanceled()
          _moving = false;

      private void ZoomStarted()
          if (UI_Main.instance.isActive)
              Vector2 touch0 = _inputs.Main.TouchPosition0.ReadValue<Vector2>();
              Vector2 touch1 = _inputs.Main.TouchPosition1.ReadValue<Vector2>();
              _zoomPositionOnScreen = Vector2.Lerp(touch0, touch1, 0.5f);
              _zoomPositionInWorld = CameraScreenPositionToPlanePosition(_zoomPositionOnScreen);
              _zoomBaseValue = _zoom;

              touch0.x /= Screen.width;
              touch1.x /= Screen.width;
              touch0.y /= Screen.height;
              touch1.y /= Screen.height;

              _zoomBaseDistance = Vector2.Distance(touch0, touch1);
              _zooming = true;

      private void ZoomCanceled()
          _zooming = false;

      private void Update()
          if (Input.touchSupported == false)
              float mouseScroll = _inputs.Main.MouseScroll.ReadValue<float>();
              if (mouseScroll > 0)
                  _zoom -= 3f * Time.deltaTime;
                  else if (mouseScroll < 0)
                      _zoom += 3f * Time.deltaTime;

          if (_zooming)
              Vector2 touch0 = _inputs.Main.TouchPosition0.ReadValue<Vector2>();
              Vector2 touch1 = _inputs.Main.TouchPosition1.ReadValue<Vector2>();

              touch0.x /= Screen.width;
              touch1.x /= Screen.width;

              touch0.y /= Screen.height;
              touch1.y /= Screen.height;

              float currentDistance = Vector2.Distance(touch0, touch1);
              float deltaDistance = currentDistance - _zoomBaseDistance;
              _zoom = _zoomBaseValue - (deltaDistance * _zoomSpeed);

              Vector3 zoomCenter = CameraScreenPositionToPlanePosition(_zoomPositionOnScreen);
              _root.position += (_zoomPositionInWorld - zoomCenter);
         else if (_moving)
              Vector2 move = _inputs.Main.MoveDelta.ReadValue<Vector2>();
              if (move !=
                  move.x /= Screen.width;
                  move.y /= Screen.height;
                  _root.position -= _root.right.normalized * move.x * _moveSpeed;
                  _root.position -= _root.forward.normalized * move.y * _moveSpeed;


          if (_camera.orthographicSize != _zoom)
              _camera.orthographicSize = Mathf.Lerp(_camera.orthographicSize, _zoom, _zoomSmooth * Time.deltaTime);
          if (_camera.transform.position != _target.position)
              _camera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (_camera.transform.position, _target.position, _moveSmooth * Time.deltaTime);
          if (_camera.transform.rotation != _target.rotation)
              _camera.transform.rotation = _target.rotation;

      private Vector3 CameraScreenPositionToWorldPosition(Vector2 position)
          float h = _camera.orthographicSize * 2f;
          float w = _camera.aspect * h;

          Vector3 anchor = _camera.transform.position - (_camera.transform.right.normalized * w / 2f) - (_camera.transform.up.normalized * h / 2f);
          return anchor + (_camera.transform.right.normalized * position.x / Screen.width * w) + (_camera.transform.up.normalized * position.y / Screen.height * h);


      private void AdjustBounds()
          if (_zoom < _zoomMin)
              _zoom = _zoomMin;
          if(_zoom > _zoomMax)
              _zoom = _zoomMax;
          float h = PlaneOrthographicSize();
          float w = h * _camera.aspect;

          if(h > (_up + _down) / 2f)
              float n = (_up + _down) / 2f;
              _zoom = n * Mathf.Sin(_angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
          if (w > (_right + _left) / 2f)
              float n = (_right + _left) / 2f;
              _zoom = n * Mathf.Sin(_angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) / _camera.aspect;
          h = PlaneOrthographicSize();
          w = h * _camera.aspect;

          Vector3 tr = _root.position + _root.right.normalized * w + _root.forward.normalized * h;
          Vector3 tl = _root.position - _root.right.normalized * w + _root.forward.normalized * h;
          Vector3 dr = _root.position + _root.right.normalized * w - _root.forward.normalized * h;
          Vector3 dl = _root.position - _root.right.normalized * w - _root.forward.normalized * h;

          if(tr.x > _center.x + _right)
              _root.position += Vector3.left * Mathf.Abs (tr.x - (_center.x + _right));
          if (tl.x < _center.x + _left)
              _root.position += Vector3.right * Mathf.Abs((_center.x - _left) - tl.x);

          if (tr.z > _center.z + _up)
              _root.position += Vector3.back * Mathf.Abs(tr.z - (_center.z + _up));
          if (dl.z < _center.z + _down)
              _root.position += Vector3.forward * Mathf.Abs((_center.z - _down) - dl.z);

      private float PlaneOrthographicSize()
          float h = _zoom * 2f;
          return h / Mathf.Sin(_angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

      private Vector3 CameraScreenPositionToPlanePosition(Vector2 position)
          Vector3 point = CameraScreenPositionToWorldPosition(position);
          float h = point.y - _root.position.y;
          float x = h / Mathf.Sin(_angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
          return point + _camera.transform.forward.normalized * x;
