camera rotation if "s" is pressed

Hi there,
I spend a lot of time by finding some toturial for rotating a camera,but it wasn’t succesful.
I need to rotate camera when I press “s” ,but scritps I tried didn’t work.I created some rotate animation,i added it to camera with some script i found,but it says that animation couldn’t be played because it isn’t exist.But animation name is same as in the script.
So where is mistake? what I did wrong?
here’s code
#pragma strict

function Start () {


function Update () {
 if (Input.GetButtonDown("s")) 
       GetComponent.<Animation>().CrossFade ("camerachange");

Depends on what kind of rotation you want. If you want it to move without snapping use this


if(Input.GetButton("s"){   //use get button here
    rot.z+=speed*Time.deltaTime; //change the z to what ever axis you what to rotate on

Sorry for any errors in the code I haven’t used javascript in a while.

If you want if to move 45 degrees or 90 degrees then you would use a lerp function


if(Input.GetButtonDown("s"){  //use get button down here
    rot.z=quaternion.Lerp(rot.z,rot.z+90,smooth*Time.deltaTime;   //change the 90 and the z to change the amout of rotation and axis that it's rotating on