Camera rotation in editor started with weird pivot


I’m playing around with ProBuilder for the first time and for some reason the camera has started rotating in weird ways. It is pivoting around some weird point that doesn’t seem connected to the scene and I cannot for the life of me get it to behave properly again. I have clicked on basically all of the camera controls I am aware of but nothing can get it back to usual.

Is there some reset button or some pivot thing I’m missing?

Thanks in advance!

Maybe this can help explain…

Here is a simple little object I created in ProBuilder (a two tier grandstand, obviously super preliminary).

If I hold down Option and do a rotation then this is what happens. If I move the mouse up and down it rotates properly, i.e. around the x-axis, which here is pointing to the right:

But now here is the problem. If I centre it again and rotate around left and right, I want to rotate around to the left and right sides of the object, obviously? But no, it instead rotates the object like this…

Move the mouse left:

Move the mouse right:

I have never dealt with much 3d stuff in Unity (weird, I know, but my game is very UI heavy and graphics light) but I don’t recall ever having this option. It makes it almost impossible to use the scene view and actually view objects properly.

This might help illustrate a bit better… See, I am looking front on at the object

Now I’ll click on the red x-axis, at the “east” compass point in the top right. You’d think it would rotate around and show me the right hand side, yeah? Well, it does, but it also rotates the object 90 degrees…

Surely I’ve hit some button or something to screw up the camera like this but I have no idea how and it’s incredibly frustrating.

…Maybe the problem is that I have things setup to be in the x-y plane but really I should be using the x-z plane?