Camera Scripts from 2D Tutorial

I’m attempting to make a basic 2D Camera for an iPhone game that simply follows the character as it moves around the level.

Ideally the camera would be similar to the one found in the 2D Gameplay tutorial for Unity3D. For some reason though when I try to import the camera scripts into iPhone Unity I get a whole bunch of errors.

So ultimately I have two questions:

  1. Are some of the functions found in the Unity3D API not compatible with iPhone Unity??? If this is is the case is there documentation that lists ONLY iPhone compatible functions?

  2. Can someone perhaps point me in the direction of solving my camera problem?

Thanks for any help!

Get rid of the dynamic typing.


I’m not quite sure what you mean by that…but I’m going to assume it means that I didn’t ask my question very well.

So I guess what I’m wondering is

Why do scripts that work in Unity Indie not work in the iPhone version??

I’m getting errors stating that “code” is not a member of UnityEingine.Component.

Because the iPhone version doesn’t do dynamic typing. So get rid of it. :wink: If you need more info, there’s already a bunch of topics in which this is discussed.


sorry i am quite new to all of this and still learning unity.

  1. what is dynamic typing? Okay, i check it online.

  2. is there already some documentation out there to port this demo on the iphone? sorry for asking, i see several post on this but nothing really complete