Hi everyone,
First of all, sorry for my english, i will try to do my best.
I have a shaking/blurry issue with my camera on a first person character. I’m using MOE BAKER Advanced First Person Controller wich is really nice done with a lot of usefull settings (jump, crouch, prone, lean, gravity, etc etc)
The only issue is : when i’m moving, and only moving, i have render issue where everything is getting shaked/blurry. I made a 48h test before creating this topic. Here is what i can say :
- No Post process issue, no motion blur issue, nothing like that
- The shake only appear when i’m moving, not when i’m rotating camera (looking around with mouse)
- The objects parented to my FP Controller are totally fine, it’s only world’s obijects who are shaking, i mean, everything not parented to my character
- There is a script simulating head movement when moving, but it’s not the source of the issue because even if i desac tivate it, the blurry effect persist
- I’m not programmer, i’m specialized in 3D, LD, UI, Character Design and animations, so this issue is out of my scope…
- Camera component seems to be totally fine. I copy paste component to my old FPS controller (which miss a lot of option like lean, jump, crouch but permite myself to move and look around) and the issue is not here. So it’s really part of the movement scripts, not rendering.
Here is the repo github if a charitable soul want to dowload it and observe the issue. I’m on Unity 2020.3.25f1.
If anybody can help me, it would be really great… I can give my discord too if someone is interested by a stream to show the issue properly.