Camera Stays in the Center


Currently, I have a camera set to follow the hero in a 2d game. The current camera focuses on the hero and stays in the center of the screen, but I would like the camera to follow the hero but stay at the bottom of the screen. How would I do that? I have a very simple camera script.

Here is a snippet:

function Update (){
	transform.eulerAngles = Vector3(0,0,0);

How do I accomplish my goal? Other than the above script, the camera values are the default settings.

Thank you for your assistance.

If I’m understanding your question and comments correctly, then it seems all you need to do is set the Y position of the camera to some positive value. Assuming the camera object doesn’t have a rotation other than the default, setting it to a larger Y position will make the Hero appear where you want in the Viewport (in this case at the bottom). Since the camera is a child of the Hero, it will continue to automatically follow him around, even with this new position.