Camera Target display

After installation UNITY 5.3.4f1, in option of Camera I have not option “Target Display”. Why? Help!

To solve this problem, open Build Settings, select the Android Platform, click the Swith Platform button. After that, the Display drop-down list in the Game window disappear. And the Camera lost Target Display option. Now, select the PC platform and click the Swith Platform button again. Everything will appear! The camera now has a Target Display and a Game window display list. I have checked it on 2018.3.0f2 version.

Thank you very much for your attention to my question.

The problem was solved by reinstalling the operating system. Simple uninstall and cleaning traces of the program in the system did not help.
The causes of the problem, I have not found out. Maybe somehow this is related to the use of older versions of projects and his assets.

I have the same issue with a version of 5.40b9 and I really, really can’t afford to wipe my entire system to fix it.

The “Display” pulldown on the game windows doesn’t even show up. On a camera, the “Target Display” pulldown does not show up. (If I click on a camera during a playthrough, the tiny preview window does turn on and display correctly… but its so very small.)

I also uninstalled Unity and reinstalled, and it too didn’t fix the issue. I’m using SourceTree between two desktops to work on the project. One computer is fine. The second one (my main rig) is broken.

There must be a way of resetting this? Or are

there other instructions out there on how to fully and completely delete all Unity references on a system?

For everyone with this problem, here’s a workaround:
Attach this script to your cameras and it will set the targetDisplay value while in Edit mode. You can unattach the script afterwards.
using UnityEngine;

public class SetTargetDisplay : MonoBehaviour {
	public int displayID;

	void Awake() {
		GetComponent<Camera>().targetDisplay = displayID;

This also happen in Unity 2017.3.1f1
No Display options at all.

Another solution is when you’re target platform is Android the option of Target DIsplay gets removed but its still there, if you switch to Debug mode (3 dots right from the inspector tab and then debug) then you can see the option Target Display set to 0, and set it to 1 for example