Camera Zoom for Orthographic (iPhone Touch)

Im hoping someone can help me with this.
I have a Orthographic camera and I would like to be able to zoom in and out with touch controls.

I’ve been using a script for CameraZoomPinch which works great for a Perspective Camera but I cant seem to modify it correctly for an Orthographic Camera.

A Perspective camera uses fieldOfView to zoom and a Orthographic camera uses size to zoom

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;

public class CameraZoomPinch : MonoBehaviour 
    public int speed = 4;
    public Camera selectedCamera;
    public float MINSCALE = 2.0F;
    public float MAXSCALE = 5.0F;
    public float minPinchSpeed = 5.0F;
    public float varianceInDistances = 5.0F;
    private float touchDelta = 0.0F;
    private Vector2 prevDist = new Vector2(0,0);
    private Vector2 curDist = new Vector2(0,0);
    private float speedTouch0 = 0.0F;
    private float speedTouch1 = 0.0F;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () 


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () 

       if (Input.touchCount == 2 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved && Input.GetTouch(1).phase == TouchPhase.Moved) 

         curDist = Input.GetTouch(0).position - Input.GetTouch(1).position; //current distance between finger touches
         prevDist = ((Input.GetTouch(0).position - Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition) - (Input.GetTouch(1).position - Input.GetTouch(1).deltaPosition)); //difference in previous locations using delta positions
         touchDelta = curDist.magnitude - prevDist.magnitude;
         speedTouch0 = Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition.magnitude / Input.GetTouch(0).deltaTime;
         speedTouch1 = Input.GetTouch(1).deltaPosition.magnitude / Input.GetTouch(1).deltaTime;

         if ((touchDelta + varianceInDistances <= 1) && (speedTouch0 > minPinchSpeed) && (speedTouch1 > minPinchSpeed))

          selectedCamera.size/*fieldOfView*/ = Mathf.Clamp(selectedCamera.size/*fieldOfView*/ + (1 * speed),15,90);

         if ((touchDelta +varianceInDistances > 1) && (speedTouch0 > minPinchSpeed) && (speedTouch1 > minPinchSpeed))

          selectedCamera.size/*fieldOfView*/ = Mathf.Clamp(selectedCamera.size/*fieldOfView*/ - (1 * speed),15,90);



If I change fieldOfView to size I get an error:

UnityEngine.Camera’ does not contain a definition for size' and no extension method size’ of type `UnityEngine.Camera’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

puzzling I could be wrong but I thought the Orthographic camera has a size variable

orthographicSize is what you’re looking for, not just size.