Camera zooming, nothing works.

In my game the camera looks down on the ground (top down view).
Now I want to be able to zoom, but no matter what I do it is always just zooming in and never out…

if(Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") != 0.0)
	    	distance = (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel")) * zoomRate * Mathf.Abs(distance);
			Camera.current.fieldOfView = distance;

Thats the code for zooming. I tried many other codes, I dont know why but the zoom always zooms in but never out, no matter how I scroll.

Don’t know if this may be the cause of your problem, but you should use Camera.main instead of Camera.current - Camera.current tells which camera is about to be rendered, and normally is used only in render events (God knows which camera it will reference in Update…)