When going to playmode the camera zooms out really far and its not supposed to, im following a tutorial and it doesnt do this for them. I’m following this.
Nobody is programming a camera controller anymore these days. We have Cinemachine for years! Set it to 3rd person mode, assign the follow and/or target object, tweak some settings, done.
If you’re following a tutorial and you make a mistake, simply go back to the tutorial and follow it again. You must be aware that we have no access to what you’ve typed so far and cannot tell you what has gone wrong so the only help is to start asking you lots of questions. The responsibility is yours to provide as much information as possible and a link to a tutorial alone isn’t useful because it assumes that devs are going to watch it just to help you then make the same mistakes you did.
Making typos or following tutorials incorrectly or simply bad tutorials are not something the forums are for.
The forums are here to help though so if you are just beginning and are having fundamental issues then please use the Getting Started forum.
I must be the only one… “Highlander intro plays”
Camera stuff is pretty advanced so it’s not really in a beginners best interest to stonewall themselves learning how to code a camera system. If anything it’s better that they learn how to use a powerful tool, something that’s also crucial for a new dev to learn.
And honestly, every game/project needs some kind of camera stuff. There’s no point implementing over and over again. Better to just install cinemachine, set up to suit your project in a few minutes, and move on with the more fun stuff.