I have added 2 extensions. CameraOffset and Collider. The CameraOffset has X offset. And the Collider extension does not take into account the CameraOffset. Camera goes through the wall at the right side.
Freelook and CameraOffset is not a good combination. The reason is that collider takes effect in body, but CameraOffset is applied after that.
Instead, you could move the Follow/LookAt targets directly. I see you have specific transforms for them (ThirdPersonController_LITE).
If that’s not an option, you could try our camera rig specifically for third person cameras; in our examples, see 3rdPersonWithAimMode or AimingRig.
Thank you for your reply. To move the Target directly will be not on an option. (
The character will be on the other side as the transform is always the same.
Actually, The rig I did is perfect. All works fine and you(devs) did the greatest tool. The only issue is collision does not take into account the offset. May be you could add a checkbox for the collision extension? Take into account the transform of all extensions above the collision? I guess it will be easy for you(devs).
Here is the bvideo of the issue. I hope you could consider fixing it. Thanks.
@ It is not so simple to make the change you suggested. @gaborkb is correct: CMCollider + FreeLook + CameraOffset is not a good combination. Do take a look at the AimingRig example. That has all the features you need for a 3rd-person follow with offset and collision resolution.
Thank you for your reply. If it’s not so simple than ok. No problem.
I checked 3rdPersonWithAimMode example It suits for me. I’ll use it in my project.