Can't find FBXImporter in unity v3.5.5f3

need to set different animations (actions) to different wrapmodes

I’m importing FBX’s from blender, whether i import the .blend file, or the .fbx the result is the same, i have no FBXImporter in editor, however i can access the wrapmode from the asset’s “Import Settings” Only one problem, I can only change the wrapmode for all of them at once.

It has split animation, and not even certain which one is being split.
I don’t know if actions in blender can be set with a wrapmode, then imported, or how to change them once imported into unity.

the actions were created seperately in blender (idle, walk, run, etc) and are listed seperately in the project window.

You can script the model importer Unity - Scripting API: ModelImporter


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;

public class WrapImportAnim : AssetPostprocessor

    public void OnPreprocessModel()
        ModelImporter modelImporter = (ModelImporter) assetImporter;                    

        modelImporter.animationWrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;         
        // other options can be set too


There is no importer component per se. The importer is accessed via the Inspector by clicking on the asset (model) in the Project list. You will see the Importer settings. Click away, then hit Apply.

See also Unity - Scripting API: ModelImporterClipAnimation which may let you set individual wrap modes for individual clips. It was NOT clear from your original post that you knew all this. Some things the IDE will let you do, and some things you need to script.

yeh, to set em globally for that object would set all the actions in that object to the same wrapmode. (ie they all loop, or they all play once etc) i can do that through the IDE, i’ve found instructions using the fbximporter to set them individually, however i haven’t seen the fbximporter component, either already in the inspector, or listed to be added to it. i’m sure there’s a way through scripting to set each action individually, but was hoping to use the IDE to do it. trying to get the IDE basics down before diving into scripting.