Can a copy of Unity 3D Student Pro work on projects created with Unity 3D Pro?

We’ve got a student that would like to work with us as a designer intern, which means they’d need to be working in Unity 3D proper. If they’ve got a copy of Unity 3D Pro Student ( - can they work with Unity 3D Pro projects that we create? Can we pass them a project, they work on it, then send it back, without the project being “corrupted” in some way / converted to an unpublishable game?

i wouldn’t think that it would cause any problems its still the same thing just different licenses, best way is to do a test project and then switch it a few times to test. but i would be surprised if it got corrupted unless their using a different version as you cant downgrade the versions project.

the only real issue is the licenses, i don’t think you would be allowed to sell any of their work on behalf of them, best to ring them and check as its still a student license, i know with adobe a student license allows an individual to make money from their work but not a business. ive never used the student version of unity so couldn’t tell you

so in short the project shouldn’t be corrupted but unity guidelines forbid any members of a team to be using free versions of unity with pro, plus pro has different features and if the student version doesn’t have these then it most likely cause problems.

depending on where you live you may be entitled to money to train someone, this could pay for a license, i think unity do a team license worth looking into