Can animations ignore time and only use frames?

Background: I’m trying to move a 2D game over from pure java to Unity and I’m having trouble understanding how animations work. In java I had Graphics2D redrawing the screen on every update. Update was called about 30 times a second (It’s a very simple game so updates took little time). The update function held a frame index value and every X frames then I would change the sprite to the next one in the animation. Now in Unity it seems like it’s trying to use some combinations of frames and time which is causing some very unwanted behavior. Due to how I built the it for java game events and frames are strongly related so having a disconnect between Update and animations is causing a lot of trouble.

Question: Is there a way I can get Unity to display each sprite for X number of frames and completely ignore seconds?

Bonus Question: At the top of the animation window it has some scale of X:Y what is the X and what is the Y?

Hopefully someone will come in and advise a way to do what you’re asking, but I don’t know of a way to do it within the animation system.

However, if you ignore that system and use scripts to manage your animations, you can easily do it frame-by-frame. Just increment the frame index in your update script and apply the new sprite frame.

For the second question, it’s in regards to the coordinate system. X is horizontal (width) and Y is vertical (height). In 3D you also have Z for depth (thickness)