I have purchased some animations from Mixamo.com and other sources and I want to use these along with my own animations for my character. I would like to know if the framerate of all these animations on one character has to be the same or is it irrelevant? For example, I tested a walk cycle exported at both 60fps and 30fps, and when I put these side by side in Unity the animations are exactly the same speed. So I’m a little confused as to what the point of framerate is in regards to character animation. It’s important to me because I know that some of my animations run at 60fps and some at 30fps, so I want to make sure I can use all of these animation together in one character.
Animations in Unity don’t have framerates, they are curves, meaning that they get sampled st a certain point in time. Therefore: Yes they can!
BTW??? In the time it takes to get an answer out of such an obvious question, you could have tested it yourself, please read the documentation before you ask other people to spend their valuable time answering your questions, when you arn’t willing to spend the time yourself. Unity answers needs a clean up of all the stupid questions that are answerd by a link to the wiki… ???