Can anyone help with reducing the room count to 1 on this shader graph?

On the UVInteriorCubemap node, set the Space dropdown to UV. Then set the Room Count value to 1.

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Alternately, if you want to keep it in Object space, just add 0.5,0.5,0.5 to the Object Space Position in the UVW group before multiplying by the Room Count value. The problem is that object space has the 0 value right in the center, which means that’s where the walls of the room are going to go. They just need to be offset to the edge instead.


Thank you for the quick response! I decided to experiment with object space and followed your advice to add 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 to the object space position within the UVW group. From most perspectives, it works brilliantly and achieves exactly what I was aiming for. However, I’ve noticed some issues specifically with the Z-minus, X-minus, and Y-minus axes. Do you have any suggestions on how to address these?

Can you be more specific? What issues are you seeing? Is it the Z-fighting / pixel flickering issue that you’re referring to?

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I’m not quite sure how to describe the issue other than it looks like the textures are trying to switch rapidly?, I have uploaded a gif image which may explain it better than I can, this is set to Object space.

I was able to fix this issue by putting the Add node after the Multiply by 0.99 as shown in the image.

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That was the fix I needed!, I am extremely grateful for your time and attention to this, Thank you very much Ben you are the best!

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