Unity's MovieTexture is a bare-bones implementation of Theora. In my experience, it's slow and unreliable, and it doesn't support seeking or alpha channels. Has anyone had success using another video library via C++ plugin? It would have to support both Mac and PC to be of use to us.
I use it. It works better in MAC. But to run it on PC, I recommend using the force opengl mode and using passing the texture between the plugin and the host application using the textureID rather than the memory array because its way faster. You wont be able to see the image in the windows editor though.
It doesn't work with Unity3 yet. AND it will not work with webplayer if you happen to care about that.
Brian Chasalow’s Video Texture Pro is an excellent native implementation for OS X and iOS.
Hey! We’ve made free(!) plugin for Unity4, it uses same theora videos as in Unity, but works faster. Win(DirectX9)/Mac/Linux supported! Jetdogs Videonator (Windows, OSX, Linux are now supported) | Video | Unity Asset Store
We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments!
I wrote a script that lets you use a serious of sequentail images as a video texture (with support for alpha channel). You can find it in the asset store under the name “Universal Video Texture”. Also with my script you’re not limited to just a short video clip. Works perfectly with Unity free, web, ios and and Android.
Here’s the link: Universal Video Texture | Tools | Unity Asset Store
Have fun!