Hello Unity Community!
There is a couple of things to say beforehand:
- I am an absolute beginner in Game Development, i have never really worked with Unity, never modeled anything and the biggest project i did was in Java a card game.
- I am more than aware of me having to put countless hours into learning. And i am also willing to, i am not looking for a quick guide to success in Game-Developement.
- I have way too much free time lately and i can atleast put 6-10 hours daily into learning and i am already planning that i need about 3-5 years for my big project.
- My big project shall be a Multiplayer Strategy Game. I am far from that, but this is my motivation of why i wanted to start this journey. I know that there is alot of stuff to learn like Security, Networking, Game design etc.
And (4) is where you would come in. Can you guys share me everything you used to learn Unity and all its Contents. Which sources got you where you are right now, what can you suggest and what habits should i work on getting or avoid on getting.
The question might seem a bit random, but i am basically asking for something like this (which i found on another thread) / Since i am new here, i do not know how to quote properly, so forgive me this wall of text incoming:
"Now, if one really wants to learn how to create a multiplayer game . I’ll give you an exactly step by step to get you on your way, it is actually very easy, once you know the basics and experience in the industry of game developing.
the only challenge is the undertaking time it takes to build a game, it is very time consuming, same applies for software developers, tackling the bugs is very tedious job, so you need a lot of time and patience.
So, I assume you are new to unity due of your very first post, and your question, so first is first:
step 1: Learn how to use a third party modeling program so you can create your own 3D assets. ie: 3dsmax, modo etc…
step 2: Learn how to create 2d textures for your game assets and props , photoshop, gimp etc…
step 3: Learn how to use unity engine, all inside and out features, since this will be your most important tool, master it.
step 4: Learn a scripting language, unity provides 3 options, boo, c# and unity script, i recommend you to start with unity script. and master it.
step 5: Learn the basics of game networking, Do a search for Gamer to game developer GTGD in this forum, awesome networking tutorial series. around 40 videos of an average of 1 hour length each one of them with pure advanced unity networking material, but you need to learn all previous stuff in order to understand this tutorials.
step 6: then choose a networking engine to use for making your game multiplayer, there are several option and each one in different scripting language:
photon, ulink, smartfoxserver, tnet, electroserver etc…
step 7: once you choose a networking engine, then master it and learn the scripting language it uses to communicate with unity. master it.
step 8: and a lot and lot of time and discipline to start building you game.
each step will take you around 3 to 5 months to master, so if you care to learn and really dive into game developing for multiplayer games, then the first 35 to 40 months (3 to 4 years) will be all pure learning before you can actually start creating your own game
I am basically looking for something like this as an answer, but with actual sources like youtube tutorials, etc.
I thank you guys in advance.