Can anyone understand the problem with this script?

This code is meant to be a GUIButton with a jump function for the player which has a rigidbody. The GUIButton shows up but the jump function doesn’t respond. Can anyone point out any issues with this script?

This code is in JS(JavaScript/UnityScript)

var originalWidth = 1600.0;  // define here the original resolution
var originalHeight = 900.0; // you used to create the GUI contents 
var PositionX : float = 100;
var PositionY : float = 100;
var SizeX : float = 100;
var SizeY : float = 100;
var JumpSpeed: float = 100;

private var scale: Vector3;

function Jump () {
		rigidbody.AddForce (Vector3.up *JumpSpeed);
function Update () {

	if(GUI.Button(Rect(PositionX,PositionY,SizeX,SizeY), "Jump"))
		Jump ();

function OnGUI () {
    scale.x = Screen.width/originalWidth; // calculate hor scale
    scale.y = Screen.height/originalHeight; // calculate vert scale
    scale.z = 1;
    var svMat = GUI.matrix; // save current matrix
    // substitute matrix - only scale is altered from standard
    GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity, scale); 

		if(GUI.Button(Rect(PositionX,PositionY,SizeX,SizeY), "Jump"))
		Jump ();

Thank You

DO NOT put GUI functions in Update!