Can Camera.Render fully utilize multi-core graphics?

Hi, I’m trying to spread the load of multiple (6+) Camera.Renders (rendering to textures) across more cores. I found a stackoverflow post from years ago trying to do the same thing.

Is this possible? What’s involved in spreading the cost across multiple CPU cores?

So far it appears that the main thread and single render thread are dominated.

Normal Unity rendering has a high cost on the main thread.

What you can do:

  • Make sure multi-threaded rendering and graphics jobs are enabled (should be on by default, though)
  • Disable render passes on these cameras that you don’t need.
  • Use time slicing (update only one camera per frame if that’s acceptable)
  • Use Entity Graphics which is highly multi-threaded but has a steep learning curve

See also: Optimizing Graphics in Unity - Unity Learn

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