But all our crash dumps and logs would be full or random named functions. We would have no hope in solving crashes/issues. Callstacks would be useless. If you have some super secret code then put it onto a server and communicate over the internet with it. You could also obsfucate the code yourself during the build process (https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/48919)
Thanks you.
They donât have secret code. They just donât need their opponent decompiler easily. So I will recommend they use https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/48919
I hope Unity will integrate Obfuscator like Visual Studio.
Except Unity never integrated Visual Studio. They integrated a third party asset that eased the process of using Visual Studio but the IDE itself is still very much a standalone program. Thatâs likely how an obfuscator would end up too.
Visual Studio doesnât have an integrated obfuscator (the exception is when compiling to UWP from .NET which uses .NET Native - this isnât an obfuscator but a native compiler much like IL2CPP). Visual Studio used to ship with a community edition of Dotfuscator, but it was a third party plugin for Visual Studio and not an integrated part of the IDE itself.
I write all my private projects and tools in Finnish language and cause of the nature of the language and how long and complex compound words we can easily use combined with code/technical words itâs sometimes as good as some obfuscation output to foreigner, or even harder if they try to use translators which get confused very fast
I remember back when we first released IL2CPP we received quite a number of bug reports where variables/fields/methods/properties didnât quite work if they had chinese characters in them. The repro project was all chinese. It was fun debugging.