Can I add a button on a node itself?

Hello there,

I am working on a tutorial inside of team project. The whole tutorial is made with Visual Scripting. Previously tutorial was made differently (don’t know how exactly)

We have a system that can automatically collect all localization keys from code and existing prefabs but it cannot collect the keys from tutorial after we moved it to Visual Scripting space.

I have created a Scriptable object to store tutorial places with the ability to assign keys into them.
I have also created a new node which in my mind would create or check for created place in editor, and return a key during runtime

I have faced a problem of not being able to trigger editor part at will or in any way at all.

Is there a way to create a sort of button on the node itself to trigger the editor part or is there any other way to do this?

There is one in the Bolt Community Addon GitHub - RealityStop/Bolt.Addons.Community: A community-driven project for extending Unity Bolt

I did make a trimmed version that runs without. But the Widget here must be in an Editor folder in assets. Then type ‘Manual’ and it should show in the finder.

ManualTriggerUnit.cs (2.9 KB)
ManualTriggerWidget.cs (1.6 KB)

There’s also Visual Scripting Kai addon, which also includes this as part of it: GitHub - chocola-mint/VisualScriptingKai: Quality-of-life extensions to Unity Visual Scripting.

Thank you for the replies
We did eventually find another way to get the keys from graphs