Hi, I tried to add a widget extension in a Unity Xcode Project (New->Target->Widget Extension) but when I compiled the project doesn’t work.
If I start from empty xcode project it’s works.
So, Can I add an extension widget to unity Unity Xcode Project? If yes, how can I?
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The app target needs to link SiriKit
I don’t use Siri… the widget extension is the example integrated in xcode and it is simple a timer. Do I really need to integrate sirikit? if yes how can I do that?
Anyway the initial error I have is this here:
So I changed the architecture from arm7 to arm64 but I have this errors
Your app just have to link with the SiriKit framework. That will solve your linker error.
See the documentation here and notice that the INIntent class is defined in the SiriKit framework: INIntent | Apple Developer Documentation
Although, It does seem that to make a iOS widget configurable, you do need to define custom intents that Siri features also share.
Sorry. I am not xcode expert. How can i connect my unity xcode project to sirikit? Do you have an article that could help me?
I resolved added Intents.framework in the Link Binary with Libraries phase.
Is it possible for you to add the steps followed in order to add a widget for your unity iOS app?