can i add an extra sprite to a character and who become first add the animation sprite or scripting the caracter texture

i’m working to a new 2d project , first project in my life with sprite method ,
I’m asking , ?? i have all code to write for movement , jump … to my character ,
My first question :
so who become first, importing the sprite sheet → assembling the movement → script my player


script just a texture -->importing the sprite sheet -->assembling the movement

at first i work with a little picture after scripting i use the animator method in unity to add a little animation , now i’m confused with the sprite method please who can help .

my second question :
if i have new animation movement for an character (sprite ) , how i can add to the list without loosing any thing

it’s usually enough to have an Animator handling clips in states. since a clip is capable of animating the SpriteRenderer component, you can just drag all keyframes into the timeline. code should only be written for the actual movement and triggering state changes in the animator.