Hey guys! I’ve been banging my head against a wall and checked SO many posts for an answer and came up empty so I’ll just ask:
I have a 2D game character that I need to pivot in its center when it moves left and right. Unfortunately, its pivot point is off center, leading to a very jerky movement. The character is animated using the dope sheet and is made up of several different sprites (one for each arm, leg, body, and head), all parented to a game object that has my movement script, animator, etc. Every answer regarding changing sprite pivot points seems to apply only to single-sprite animations (unless I’m totally misunderstanding), and I can’t alter the pivot point of this game object because it doesn’t have a sprite renderer, as it is the parent object of all the sprites. How do I change the pivot point in this case? I must be overcomplicating this, right? Any help is greatly appreciated.