Can I do 1-way non-realtime communication to a server in Unity iOS basic?

I am working on a two-man project that is primarily a research project, but if it could turn some profit and pay the bills, we will be happier for it. We wish to collect data on experimental subjects as they play an iOS game. For this, the game needs to send information on the player’s gameplay one-way to a server. The server need not send any info back. The information need not be ‘real-time’… it could be collected locally and sent as a single file at the end of the game… so long as it gets communicated at some point. (Players would be informed, of course, that their data was being collected for research purposes… no personal information need be collected at all.)

My problem right now is a cost issue. The $400 basic iOS version of Unity probably has everything we need, except possibly the communications with the server, as I see that the TCP/IP socket library requires the iOS Pro licence. But that licence costs $3000. For two people, that would be $6000 compared to $800 for the basic version. Correct me if I am misunderstanding the pricing scheme.

We’d be happy to pay $6000 if we knew the game was going to make much more than that. But right now this is a research project experimenting with going commercial… I don’t know if we’ll make anything at all. So $6000 is a lot of money right now. We may be able to get by with only one of us having the IOS Pro version, but that’s still $3400, a lot more than other alternatives. Unity, however, seems to be the best solution in every other respect.

So my question is this: is there any way in Unity iOS to do the kind of communications we want, without having to spring for iOS Pro?

Thanks in advance for any help,


Use the WWW class to post data to a web server. See, for example, which posts a screenshot. No monkeying about with sockets.