Can I expose public field with getter-setter?

I want to expose bonus variable in the inspector. This is my code:

public float bonus								// in percent [0,1]
	get { return bonus; }
		if (value < 0f && value > 1f)
			Debug.Log("bonus should be [0,1], clamping...");
		bonus = Mathf.Clamp01(value);

Is there a way to achieve this without doing Custom Inspector code? I also tried putting [SerializeField] on top of it but it didn’t work.

It can be done with a custom PropertyAttribute - I posted code for one at this solution:

Not without some voodoo (and I think the terms is property, not field)


You could use custom editor, i needed to serialize a getter/setter as well, this here is an example of accessing data outside of the class scope to a different component ( text color ) and an local variable ( aim position ). This potentially allows serialization of virtually anything you want ( assuming your getter and setter won’t cause infinite recursion :stuck_out_tongue: )

// Scripts folder 

public class MyObject : MonoBehaviour 
    // ...

	[SerializeField] Color s_color; public Color color 
			return GetComponent<Text>().color; 
			GetComponent<Text>().color = value; 
			this.s_color = value;
	[SerializeField] Vector2 s_aim; public Vector2 aim
			return s_aim;
			this.s_aim = value;
	public void Serialize()
		color = s_color;
		aim = s_aim;

// Editor folder

[CustomEditor( typeof( MyObject ) )]


public class MyObjectEditor : Editor
    SerializedProperty s_color;
    SerializedProperty s_aim;

    void FindProperties()
        s_color = serializedObject.FindProperty("s_color");
        s_aim = serializedObject.FindProperty("s_aim");

    void DrawGUI()
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( s_color, new GUIContent("Color") );
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( s_aim, new GUIContent("Aim") );

    void OnEnable()

    MyObject m_target;
    List<MyObject> m_targets;

    void CastTargets()
        m_target = ( MyObject ) target;
        m_targets = new List<MyObject>();
        foreach (var t in targets) 
            MyObject obj = ( MyObject ) t;
            m_targets.Add( obj );

    public override void OnInspectorGUI()



        m_targets.ForEach( obj => obj.Serialize() );

Edit: just read @sarahnorthway source code, looks like this one is easier to use +1