Can I force sleepMode??


I use Unity 3.4

I want controll Device’s sleepTimeout…

Screen.sleepTimeout = 0.0f;

this code is don`t sleepMode…

but I want controll time…

device’s SleepTime Setting is 5Min…

I want into Sleepmode at 3Min after…

Screen.sleepTimeout = 180.0f;

this code is not work…

device’s SleepTime Setting is 5Min…

I want into Sleepmode at 10Min after…

Screen.sleepTimeout = 600.0f;

this code is not work…

Can I control sleepMode??


works for me.

Screen.sleepTimeout = 60f; //iPhone Screen goes to sleep after 1 min

i’d like to know that too… i couldn’t find anything yet.