Can I get VR Controller's velocity regardless of Unity frame rate?

My goal is to send filtered controller velocity values from Unity C# → C++ robot arm control code using UDP communication.
(VR : Meta Quest2)

I implemented code for receiving Quest2 controller linear/angular velocity using OVRInput.GetLocalControllerVelocity, Angularvelocity.

My Frame rate is 73FPS(16.9ms), and my C++ code runs every 2ms.

I found that velocities received from OVRInput API are quite noisy, so i have to do filitering before sending it to C++ Server.

I want to use Moving Average Filter, but Here’s the problem.

I have to gather velocity values for using moving average filter, but now OVRInput function is called on main thread, which depends on the frame rate.
It gets the controller velocity every Frame(16.9ms,73FPS) , but I have to gather more velocities.

I searched solutions like coroutine, timer thread, but all of these functions were frame dependent.

Is there any solution which I can get controller values faster than my frame rate??