can i have non authoritative matches that dont depend on the host?

in a game what happens if the host decides to disconnect? or loses the connection? does it mean the whole game drops?

is there any way to save the game state on unity relay to continue the game even if the game host leaves the match by any reason?

Yes, if the host ends the game (whatever the reason) every client gets disconnected.

There is no saving in that case. The host is gone, so is the game/match and its data. You can only fix this by using a dedicated server or by persisting every change to persistable game state as it happens.

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based on your answer, relays cant store any state. they are just broadcasters. right? they can only be used for private matches or coop modes.

A relay only serves the single purpose of allowing to parties to connect to each other without having to setup port forwarding on the host side. In a sense a Relay acts as a dedicated server that simply „relays“ all calls to and from a hosting client. Persistent storage is not the responsibility of a relay server.

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