Can i inport landscapes and games I built in Unity3d Basic into Unity Iphone?

This may be a stupid question but I just played around with unity3d basic, created some landscapes and built a simple game. Is there any way to import that into unity iphone?

Is there a landscape creation tool in unity iphone or can i build a level in basic and import that?

Thanks a lot,


The terrain doesn't exist in Unity iPhone. Most other things will likely import, aside from shaders that use CG, and Javascript must not use dynamic typing. Whether it will actually run OK on the device is another matter. Unless you specifically designed it with the iPhone in mind to begin with, it's somewhat likely that it won't.

If you want to try getting your terrain into an iPhone game, you can do the following:

Select the Terrain and go to the Terrain menu > Export Heightmap RAW. Keep default settings, then save the .raw somewhere. You should find it opens in photoshop. You can then use this heightmap on a mesh in something like 3D Max, then bring it back into unity (it also doesn't need to be as high detail a mesh you apply it to). Add an Optimise modifier if you like to try and get the polys down.

It will be a mesh instead of Terrain of course, so not as flexible (or fast), but the option is always there. As Eric said above though, unless it's designed with the iPhone's limited capabilities in mind, it likely won't run too well.