set a limitation to the number of times a feature in the Unity Plugin can run;
once the pre-set limitation is reached, the user will not be able to use the feature in question, but can still use all other features in the Unity Plugin;
to get the feature in question afterwards, the user will have to go online and make a payment.
Does anyone know if Unity will allow this scenario?
Well, it’s technically possible but I haven’t heard of it done before, and I wouldn’t recommend it. How were you thinking about recording the number of uses? Anything stored client-side - in the registry or some local data file - would be pretty easy to break. And anything stored server-side would require an active internet connection every time the plugin was used, and might put some purchasers off (personally, I wouldn’t want a third-party asset that pinged back unknown information from my Unity project to a server I had no idea who controlled).
TBH, I would recommend taking the route most asset developers follow, which is either to release a “lite” version that has some features disabled, or else simply produce a really good web demo or tutorial video that demonstrates the functionality of the plugin rather than anything time/use- limited.
I dont really understand how plugins work, but i think you can do it with a couunter maybe. For example you make a counter integer variable and give it a 3 value. and every use of the feature you decrease it, and when its 0 the user cannot use it anymore.
You can save the vaqriable so it will not be 3 again when you restart the game. The only problem with this is to protect it. so you should save it in a safe way.
thats the only think i can think of related to your question,